Please use the appropriate button below to place an online reservation. These are for placing an online reservation only, if you are just looking for a price, please do not use these forms below but instead fill out the price quote form just beneath this message.

Pricing for our most popular reserved places can be found using the menu above and clicking on the appropriate location

Click on the button below to place a Private Transportation Reservation


Please note: If you use the Online Reservation Form and then state you only needed a price quote, you will be charged and held to the cancellation terms as indicted both on the website as well as on the online form itself. We are sorry but, exceptions will no longer be made.  Thank You

A $75.00 additional charge applies for any transfer pickup TO the port before 10:30 AM for U.S. Ports. This will be in addition to the price given, and found on the website. This fee is for transfers “TO” the port only, not from the port or any other location. 

We account for 1 suitcase and 1 personal carryon (not another suitcase) per person. If you are bringing more than this we need to account for it, so you must tell us. 

Refund Policy / Cancel Policy
All travel on The Florida Sunshine Shuttle is subject to a cancellation fee. If you cancel or change your trip within 3 Days of your first departure your entire reservation is nonrefundable for any reason including but not limited to: flight delays, missed flights, trip cancellation, weather or any other type of incidence including medical. If canceling any part of your reservation outside of 3 days a minimum cancellation fee of $35.00 or 10% whichever is greater applies, depending upon vehicle type, total amount of reservation, amount of passengers and date of travel. All cancellations must be done in writing by responding back from your confirmation email we will not accept any phone cancellations. If a cancellation is not received in writing it is not considered canceled, no refund will be issued and you will be considered a no show. You should include this cost on your travel insurance as no refunds will be given.

See our memberships

Select Hotels
Worldwide Hotels
Sunshine Travel Sales
credit cards
Moroni LDS Mormon

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 9AM to 5PM
Saturday 9AM to 12 PM
Sunday 9AM to 12PM



London, UK
(44) 020 3051 6626

(39) 0662207125

Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy

Refund and Cancellation Policy

9924 Universal Blvd. Ste 224-181 Orlando FL 32819







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